Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Beautiful Life

Sorry I haven't written in a while...I was reaching a point where I was kind of over the whole blogging thing, and I really just needed to collect my thoughts.  I find myself in a situation of being unhappy, which has been mind-boggling since I was dead-set on making this my "Year of Yes".  I wanted to put myself out there by saying yes to opportunities presented to me, and I was hoping this practice would help me lead a beautiful life full of rich and soul-satisfying experiences.  And yet, here I sit...unfulfilled.  I am a self-proclaimed introvert, but that doesn't mean I want to sit at home by myself all the time.

Very recently, I figured out what my problem is: I've been relying on other people/the world to present these opportunities to me instead of being proactive and making opportunities for myself.  I'm upset with myself for acting so entitled, as if the world is here to serve me.  However, I know the world owes me nothing and that I am solely responsible for making something of my life.  Knowing that it all rests on my shoulders is slightly terrifying because I'm bound to mess up at some point.  And yet, I don't believe in accidents or mistakes; instead, I believe in lessons.  And, this has been my most recent lesson.  It's time for me to take control of my own happiness.  

Sail on.

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