Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gettin' Crafty!

I've started a new project!  

I haven't started putting it together yet, but I think I'll be calling it an "inspiration book".  I've never been the scrapbooking type; I don't take very many pictures.  But, for a little while now, I've been wanting to put together a book of pictures, quotes, words, etc. of things that catch my eye or inspire me in any way.  So, I've gone through a bunch of magazines, cut things out, and bought some scrapbooking materials.  I guess it'll be sort of like a real life Tumblr or Pinterest.  Call me old-fashioned, but I just like tangible things.  And besides, this book is for my personal use--not for everyone else in the world to see what inspires me.  Anyway, I'm excited to get started putting things together! 

Hope anybody who's reading this has a great weekend!

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