Tuesday, May 28, 2013

There's just something about the mountains...

My boyfriend and I went on a trip to the Smoky Mountains this past weekend for Memorial Day holiday, and it was just lovely!  I absolutely adore that environment, and I always immediately miss it.  We hiked about 9 miles one day and (over)ate the best food ever.  I would have posted more pictures on Instagram, but my phone's camera was giving me fits the first couple of days.  Regardless, it was a special time with a special person.  We've been twice before, so we made sure to do our traditional activities like feeding the bears at a certain store, riding the Sky Lift, and playing our favorite mini-golf course. I even won us a free game! 

I hope everyone else had as great of a weekend as we did!

The view from Charlie's Bunion. #nofilter

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