Monday, July 1, 2013

Random Much?

It's July!  And the weather has been surprisingly pleasant compared to the past couple of weeks. 

Going to the beach this weekend for a few days with my girlfriends.  It will be nice to spend time relaxing, but I'll need to make sure I don't spend too much while I'm there.

Speaking of frugality, is it bad that I'm already looking forward to my next paycheck? In 2 weeks? Yeah, gonna have to kick that spending habit SOON.

I'm watching American Ninja Warrior right now.  I remember watching the Japanese version on Spike(?) when I was younger, so it's cool/weird to see a bunch of Americans attempting the obstacles and to not have to read subtitles.

My throat has been hurting for the past day or so...REALLY hope I'm not getting sick.

I need to learn how to cook.  I can follow a recipe just fine, but I know there's more to cooking than just that.  I want to be able to reach in my refrigerator and cabinets and make a full MEAL.


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