Friday, January 17, 2014

Guess Who's Back

Been a while!  Not gonna give any excuses for my lack of blogging--just didn't feel like it.  It had started to feel like a chore, and I was reaching a point where I wasn't sure if I had anything of importance or value to write about.  Self-worth is still a struggle for me, but I can tell I'm getting better. :) I read an article yesterday about something called the imposter syndrome, where people--especially women--tend to downplay their successes and value.  The article was referring to a business/executive setting, and although I'm not in that position, I could still relate. 

A new year begins with new goals!  Last year, I lost 18 pounds.  Of course, the holidays lead to a small bit of that being gained back, BUT I'm back on track.  I've lost 3 pounds already since the beginning of the year.  Adam got me a slow-cooker for Christmas, and it's sparked an interest in cooking and healthy-eating!  I was mostly raised on easy frozen meals (sorry, Mom, but it's true), so it's so exciting for me to look through literally thousands of recipes and see how I can make them healthier.  Trial and error has been the name of the game thus far, I'll admit (and Adam would agree ha!).  Gotta start somewhere, though!

I'll try to blog more often--if not for whomever reads this, then for myself.  Sometimes typing things out is a good way to sort out the thoughts I didn't realize were unsorted.  

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