Sunday, August 4, 2013

Guns Hidden Under our Petticoats

Does anybody know what a panic attack feels like?  I think I might have had one today.  I did pilates to try to calm myself down, and that worked, but I still have a massive headache an hour later.  Also, my body is trying to develop a cold, so there's a lot of sinus pressure going on that Sudafed doesn't seem to be helping.

One reason for the panic attack is that one year ago today, this world lost the man who was like my second father.  While I've thought of him and wept on countless occasions in the past year, today hit me like a ton of bricks.  We all miss you so much, Mr. Randy.  And, I need to stop typing before the tears start rolling again.

We think Eno the cat has a UTI, so we'll be taking him to the vet in the morning.  The fun never stops.

Does anybody else ever question their purpose in life, or is that just me?

A few days ago, I stumbled across a new band that I really like so far: The 1975.  Check out the video for their song "Chocolate" below.


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