Sunday, August 18, 2013

We are enough.

Anybody who really knows me knows that I struggle with anxiety from time to time.  I'm constantly feeling less than perfect.  I know perfection isn't possible, but I'm my own harshest critic.  And, I know that I'm not alone.

We all go through things that make us feel knocked down a peg or two.  So every week day, I'm going to post about a situation that really just sucked and remind myself (and whoever is reading) that we are enough.  

I'm so excited about this project.  Not only will it be a great reminder for myself, but I hope to put some positivity out into the universe.  Create a little good karma, if you will.  However, it's also scary to make myself so vulnerable.  I just hope I can help others work through these struggles as I try to help myself.  Join me, won't you? :)

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