Thursday, June 27, 2013


We had a bit of an incident today at work!  Since beginning my job almost 2 years ago (whoa), there's been a man who will come in every now and then and act somewhat threatening toward me.  He had not been by in quite a while, but today, he came in causing a commotion.  Apparently, he had been causing trouble and threatening the secretary at another attorney's office, and they called the police on him.  The police came to our office, too, but he had already left, so I don't really know if anything will happen.  I feel bad for him because he's schizophrenic and needs help, but I'm also kinda scared.  Anytime someone large and menacing threatens you, you're bound to get rattled.  Believe me, I had my pepper spray in hand as I walked to my car this afternoon.  

To follow up from my previous post, the MSU Bulldogs did, unfortunately, lose the College World Series Championship.  But, I am so proud of them, regardless!!  UCLA was just a great team, and there's no shame in losing to a team that's THAT good.  Our boys have been such great representations for the state of Mississippi, and I look forward to the many great Bulldog Baseball teams of the future for which this year's team laid a winning foundation.  

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