Friday, September 6, 2013

Good Music

A few songs I'm loving lately:

 "The City" by The 1975

Yep, I'm still very much into The 1975.  To see another song of theirs that I like, click here.  Their debut album came out this week (finally), and I'm so excited to get it!

"Royals" by Lorde

I've been hearing about Lorde for several months now and even bought this song on iTunes a while back, but I've just recently started listening to it.  Can y'all believe she's only 16?!  

"I Remember You" by Rilo Kiley

Love Rilo Kiley.  Love this song.

"Bleeding Out" by The Lone Bellow

Discovered this band by listening to the local college radio station, and I'm loving them so far.  This song is like going to church, especially by the end.

That's it for now, but I hope everyone has a good weekend!  (Hail State!!)

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