Thursday, April 18, 2013

An Open Letter

To anyone going through a tough time:

I have one piece of advice: Hang in there.  We all go through periods of feeling lost or stuck.  But, the only way to survive it is to KEEP GOING.  Wake up in the morning, do what you can, go to sleep, and do it all over again the next day.  The world doesn't stop turning, and you should not stop being an active participant in life.  Plans get derailed--trust me, I know.  But you HAVE to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and find a new path, whether you still want to reach the original destination or discover a new one.  And, if you're feeling alone, just remember that you're not.  You do have people who love you very much.  Reach out to them.  How can they know what's going on in your head or your heart if you don't tell them?  I've been where you are.  If you keep pushing through, it will get better.  We don't really know what's ahead of us--no one does.  But life is worth living.  Always.

And, I know this might be cheesy along with this post, but I love the message of this song:

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