Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Seriously lacked motivation to blog today, but here I am!  

Well friends, it's been a dreary, chilly week.  However, the forecast for this weekend looks beautiful!  And, you guys should see the to-do list I just wrote out for myself for the's about a mile long.  I'm so thankful for nice weather; it'll be a joy to actually be out in it getting stuff done.  I will also be pet-sitting two little doofuses until Tuesday, which will be wonderful.  I love all animals--especially these two.

Did I say I love all animals?  Can I take that back?  Because I do not love spiders.  Although, they're technically insects/bugs/creatures-from-depths-of-hell.  And, with the warmer weather upon us, it seems that spider season is making a comeback here in my lil' apartment.  Joy.  

That's about all I have for y'all today.  Have a great weekend!

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