Monday, January 14, 2013

Dreaming of a Dream Vacation

I don't know what the weather's like wherever you are, but here... It's just straight-up gross. It's freezing and raining, and the gloomy weather from my previous post is deciding to stick around for several more days. It's days like today that I daydream about vacations. I think I'm going to the beach again in late April with my family, but there are several other places I'd like to visit someday (if money were not an issue, of course.)

First, it would awesome if I could go literally anywhere in California. I wouldn't care if it was a rundown gas station in the middle of nowhere Inyo County; I would just be so excited to be in the land of Tupac and tanning. Of course, visiting the Hollywood/Los Angeles area is on my bucket list, but I would also really like to spend some time in both San Francisco and San Diego. I don't know what it is, but I just get really good vibes from both of those places. 

All right, so, who wants to pay for me to have a European adventure? Any takers? Oh, come on! It would be a blast! We could see the sights in London, climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and take leisurely gondola rides in Italy. Also, I'd want to take a Scandinavian detour to Sweden and see if I have any living relatives there. I bet I do. It was about 90 years ago that my family members immigrated to the United States, after all. Surely some of them that I don't know about stayed behind and started families of their own.

Next, I've always wanted to go to Australia. Always, always, always. My friend, Morgan, is getting the opportunity to live there for about a month soon for work, and I'm beyond jealous. I'm going to make her send me 100 pictures a day. Count on it.

Finally, I want to start taking some small road trips to Nashville, the big city with the southern charm. It's where I would like to live someday in the somewhat-near future, and seeing as I've only been there once briefly, I feel like I should become more familiar with it before I make any decisions.

Looking outside my window into the cold, dreary weather only makes me want to "get up and go" even more. Maybe I should just look up pictures of these places and pretend. Sun, if you're listening, please come out soon! We miss you!

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